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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Need to Know - Google #mobile #index - get mobile content ready

The always excellent E-Consultancy published a Need to Know list - Google's Mobile Index.

The big news:
  • Google's mobile index will be the primary index - based on 'pure' mobile content
  • Desktop + RWD sites secondary - will be maintained but less frequently
  • Coming soon - so prepare now
  • AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) will become more important

Search Engine Land Index Quote

Some steps to take to prepare your Mobile Content for Mobile Indexing - cross post in Futuremakers.

Excellent news for mobile users' search results ... new tasks for Mobile Marketers.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Best Marketing Tips and Tricks to Stand Out your Hotel

The competition in hospitality has become fierce, with new technology arriving to us day by day and the opportunity of customers to  book directly through Google it is a great pressure and challenge to differentiate your hotel from the rest, but this type of competition can give us that little push we need to take advantage of the new mobile technology, social media, between others and see this as an opportunity to grow and expand.

 It is true that for big hotels (cost-wise, multiple channels, attractive loyalty programs) it is easier to count with a well created Digital Marketing Strategy, but Independent Hotels have the need to focus as well in cost-effective digital marketing strategies and become multi-channel to differentiate their product form the rest

Here are some tips for Hoteliers to follow a successful digital marketing strategy:

Monday, October 10, 2016

How To Offer Millennials What They Need at Your Hotel

Millennials, the generation between1980 and 2000 that innovate and revolution how things are done, they grew up in a period of a huge advance in technology that changed our lives forever.

To the hospitality business Millennials are of huge importance, they represent 80 million people around the world that spend $600 billion per year.

Millennials love to travel and to enjoy different experiences, are loyal, like to interact and engage with friends and strangers, they follow brands and want to change the world.

So what can marketing do about it to satisfy Millennials?

By making a deep research of their characteristics and more of those close to your niche market
create a marketing plan that can retain them and satisfy them.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Customer Preferences: Social Media and Mobile Innovations

Focus on "Delivered to Phone" service

In this rapidly changing world, customers prefer even more and more Mobile Apps, and the competitition in the best innovative tools in hospitality is fierce, advanced tools already exist to make Reservations, check -in check -out, multimedia connections in room, automatic lights, e-concierge, WiFi hotspots as well as "whatever fun is happening" hotspots if the hotel is a big place,  interactive Customer Experience, personalised text messages, alerts, emails, wake up calls, the idea to survive and attract customers is to make it creative and interact with your customers in a "thumable" mobile way.

Social media Fluidity

There is thousands and thousands of posts coming out every hour all around the world, to escape from this loop of posting without going nowhere, what is going to make this change is technology, by delivering personalised information according to what  your customer's like; to approach your reader by their needs is what is going to make the difference.

#mobile audience growth - web - not apps

Mobiforge details #mobile report - apps for engagement - web for discovery

Mobile marketers and developers will value Mobiforge's analysis of Comscore's recent report.  For all of us trying to decide - Mobile site or mobile app, the information is most helpful.  

It depends on your business goals:
  • are you building your mobile audience = mobile website -USER centric
  • do you want to increase engagement with mobile users = app
The chart below from the Comscore report clearly shows the growth opportunity.

Another key point is that mobile web is a gateway:

We’ve seen a lot of movement in the mobile web arena over the last year in the shape ofProgressive Web Apps, and the AMP initiative that bears out the importance of  the web as the gateway to further engagement without the same limitations as an app store presents. Outside of the app oligarchs,  the discovery battle may ultimately be won on the web.
An excellent, concise analysis - read Martin Clancy's article "Mobile Audience Growth Web Not Apps"